Famous last words
"I heal up times," said my Psionikerin before I took the cake. Today we had
an early role-playing evening and the time we play Dark Heresy / Shadow Hunter, so the Warhammer 40k roleplaying game. Our soldier was - again> _> - complete shot and I actually did come to the absurd idea to try to help him. My heroine is a Psionikerin (for all WH 40k uninitiated: a kind of magician, but with fewer children's birthday party) and each time one has psychic powers, you go back to speak to the warp (for DSA-player: it is as if you must use to spell limbo!). Well, every 9 that appear on the W10, bad things happen. I only had one, but that has to mean, unfortunately, nothing> _ \u0026lt;. First I erwürfel Held a 91, which means "dangers of the warp" and really means another table adds bad things. "Come on, now roll the dice You still low, this can not be the case that I now auffuttert a demon. "I throw dice .... 96! Neeeeeeiiiieeeeen" Mach mal ne willpower sample -30 "said the difficulty swallowing champion." Ok, I still have a chance .... that is, without difficulty, I'd managed >_\u0026lt;". It's only the grace of the Master is thanks to them that it was "only" icy cold, shot Karnas Warpfeuer eyes, melted her bionic eye and the demon that manifested itself in her body themselves but rather sought a different host (who is now wandering somewhere in the vast Hive Sibellus) than to stay with her.
end of the story, my heroine for the rest of the adventure first and unplayable to go blind and the first Verderbnispunkte I've also accumulated yet. The look good next to my madness points, and of course the non-existent fate points that I would otherwise have used to fend off the stuff.
me then I'll go even build a new heroine for the adventure. Perhaps I'll take the whole then yes.
And then I want to say a few words to the boat holiday: ♥ ♥ ♥!
Na misses her morning even the delicious French bread? XD The week went clear around too fast.
My sister is very fast times to dig out the photos!