Addendum DCM
The DCM, although nearly two weeks ago, but still came by me two things on.
The first winner I've started again Kagrra hear and have dug it out of their old stuff. I even the first of which Album of 2002 before Kagrra, were called. No idea if they got rid of the comma now again but I am inclined to get me what new from. (Pronounced the way, "kagura", which is some old dance.)
second After reading the posts DCM in my friends list here, I remembered what me by the DCM, or rather on their participants disturbed, so. As it is simply that such a large percentage of participants is not finished or a lack of processing of their costumes have applied to the day? I see that as wrong or is that not the DCM Cosplaywettbewerb with the best prices and allegedly the highest standard of quality? If I would seriously consider to take part, then I would plan. Much planning. It is best just after the last competition has gone on the stage. But at least half a year before. Just take the time of the costume front to back through and analyze, plan, get the most suitable materials. And if all this makes early enough, then you have plenty of time to process his costume neat.
And I just think it or like it the winner has made the men when I read that the costume was tinkered around sewn properly.
can begin two weeks before the competition, which one I care for the "conventional" Contest to pick up where you only get the bag of remains from any shops or publishing houses. That's enough for the DCM just do not know any more than just bombastic. If someone has huge wings that will distract from the costume falling apart, then the costume is still bad. Bigger = better? Not for me. A DCM costume should simply be correctly. This includes processing, attention to detail, is similar to the character. And only in combination.
performances are as good as me Does not matter. Although the DCM performances are better on average (last year, slightly more than this), really tears me little socks off. I admit, however, happy to admit that I might own or am too strict. But fortunately for the DCM only the second violin =) *
* As memories come to play high ChibiChibiXXL ;-) But, a word about Cosplayauftritten, now in some respects to the DCM. Fandet her also that many things have repeated? There's this certain schemes that find themselves constantly. For women it is mostly dance and / or voice, in the men more or less (probably less) skilful Rumfuchteln with weapons. And with both the appearance Laber, which refers to the total anime / manga or the game and no one checked out, what is there actually be brought closer to one. Little more imagination, please ;-)
Friday, October 31, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Panasonic Roof Mounted Dvd
Castlevania talk # 526 861
You know I'm a fangirl but despite the fact that this must be the third Castlevania entry in a row, this is not everything I think of all day XD
Anyways, I've overcome the horror the "Judgement" designs have given me because "Order of Ecclesia" is totally making up for it ♥ From the trailers I've seen so far this is going to be yet another handheld fun game. Just with the addition to being able to visit different places and few other novelties. And something I'm really happy about: the difficulty. The last 2D Castlevania games were super easy with the exception of "Circle of the Moon" which had some challenge (the arena especially, but the time I'd beaten it once I was strong enough to walk through it a second time with ease).
If you want more information: here's a general preview , a gameplay preview and that trailer in big that's also on Konami's site.
I really like the character designs for "Order of Ecclesia". They're neither this anime stuff from the latest games (it worked but it's just not my thing), nor were they done by Ayami Kojima. I don't know who the designer is but as much as I like Kojima's work, it's sometimes a hit-and-miss for me.
Let's start with the heroine, Shanoa (somewhere I've read Chanoix but Shanoa seems to be her official name):
Yeah, not quite what women wore in the middle of the 19th century but it looks pretty good. The "newer" it get's I'm less picky with its historic authenticity (clothing wise).
Balthier Albus. Despite his resemblance with another gun wielding game character of recent, I really like his pants. Don't ask...
Barlowe. I'm guessing he's Shanoa's mentor.
Unknown guy, but he looks funny without being uncool XD
And of course good old Dracula. Even though he doesn't know how to fight most of the time, he at least does it with style ;-)
And now, after you've seen the designs, to the real purpose of this post:
Because I'm such a shitty seamstress (yeah, you know it's an exaggeration but I still feel like a super n00b everytime I have a sewing machine in front of me), I already tried to find a suitable pattern I could use and alter if needed. Even though I won't start this costume anytime soon. I would just use a random easy dress pattern but see for yourself:
Yeah, super low back. I doubt I want to wear it that low though. Anyway, I hope that a pattern that already considers such a low back would give me a cut that doesn't make me fall out left an right. I will, of course, involve tape or other safety measurements but I just want to be on the safe side.
Do you think it strange as well that the artist gave her hair with enough volume for four people or more, when she's got those pretty tattoo on her back?
I have even more Castlevania related stuff I could talk about but I'll save that for next time ;-)
You know I'm a fangirl but despite the fact that this must be the third Castlevania entry in a row, this is not everything I think of all day XD
Anyways, I've overcome the horror the "Judgement" designs have given me because "Order of Ecclesia" is totally making up for it ♥ From the trailers I've seen so far this is going to be yet another handheld fun game. Just with the addition to being able to visit different places and few other novelties. And something I'm really happy about: the difficulty. The last 2D Castlevania games were super easy with the exception of "Circle of the Moon" which had some challenge (the arena especially, but the time I'd beaten it once I was strong enough to walk through it a second time with ease).
If you want more information: here's a general preview , a gameplay preview and that trailer in big that's also on Konami's site.
I really like the character designs for "Order of Ecclesia". They're neither this anime stuff from the latest games (it worked but it's just not my thing), nor were they done by Ayami Kojima. I don't know who the designer is but as much as I like Kojima's work, it's sometimes a hit-and-miss for me.
Let's start with the heroine, Shanoa (somewhere I've read Chanoix but Shanoa seems to be her official name):
Yeah, not quite what women wore in the middle of the 19th century but it looks pretty good. The "newer" it get's I'm less picky with its historic authenticity (clothing wise).
Barlowe. I'm guessing he's Shanoa's mentor.
Unknown guy, but he looks funny without being uncool XD
And of course good old Dracula. Even though he doesn't know how to fight most of the time, he at least does it with style ;-)
And now, after you've seen the designs, to the real purpose of this post:
Because I'm such a shitty seamstress (yeah, you know it's an exaggeration but I still feel like a super n00b everytime I have a sewing machine in front of me), I already tried to find a suitable pattern I could use and alter if needed. Even though I won't start this costume anytime soon. I would just use a random easy dress pattern but see for yourself:
Yeah, super low back. I doubt I want to wear it that low though. Anyway, I hope that a pattern that already considers such a low back would give me a cut that doesn't make me fall out left an right. I will, of course, involve tape or other safety measurements but I just want to be on the safe side.
Do you think it strange as well that the artist gave her hair with enough volume for four people or more, when she's got those pretty tattoo on her back?
I have even more Castlevania related stuff I could talk about but I'll save that for next time ;-)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Norway Airlines In India
with embroidery, anyway.
And here is the promised photo:
After yesterday I switched from Parker Lewis on The IT Crowd am, today morning I am finally finished with the last stitches. The jacket is a little weird here, but this may be because it is not quite as easy to put on a corset itself (at least this corset). Oh, and think naturally away the seam allowance, I have the top fabric down to just the food. The collar is still difficult in the testing phase and from the stained fabric. The food is the bright green that looks out below and which I am not quite sure if it's not too green yet.
And I see in the photos with the blonde wig goofy off = D. I have so deliberately taken a darker blonde and I think it fits this well. The wig need of course viiieel styling.
I think next I'll either continue to make to the jacket or pants. The materials I have at least everything except for the socks and the gloves. I do worry me just because of the gloves would be, that is really nice if I could find that leather.
An iron würde dem Kostüm auch ganz gut tun ;-)
with embroidery, anyway.
And here is the promised photo:
After yesterday I switched from Parker Lewis on The IT Crowd am, today morning I am finally finished with the last stitches. The jacket is a little weird here, but this may be because it is not quite as easy to put on a corset itself (at least this corset). Oh, and think naturally away the seam allowance, I have the top fabric down to just the food. The collar is still difficult in the testing phase and from the stained fabric. The food is the bright green that looks out below and which I am not quite sure if it's not too green yet.
And I see in the photos with the blonde wig goofy off = D. I have so deliberately taken a darker blonde and I think it fits this well. The wig need of course viiieel styling.
I think next I'll either continue to make to the jacket or pants. The materials I have at least everything except for the socks and the gloves. I do worry me just because of the gloves would be, that is really nice if I could find that leather.
An iron würde dem Kostüm auch ganz gut tun ;-)
Saturday, July 19, 2008
Chiden Nickers Models
icy_chocolate @ 2008-07-19T20: 46:00
So, my first week of holidays is almost over and I spent three of them cleaning and tidying up my room. Having a dust allergy cetainly doesn't speed it up. At least it's mostly dust free now and much less messy. Meaning I've taken care of the important parts of my room. It's incredible how much useless stuff I have, I really need to get rid of that. I'm also thinking of getting rid of my glass cabinet. There's nothing of use inside and I could really do with a new book shelf. If I go on buying and reading books like I do now (which will eventually happen), I'll have to squeeze them into the small space between the "normal" rows (two at the moment) and the single shelves.
And a word about cosplay. Firstly, my sister and I are going to attend Animagic on saturday and I'm looking forward to seeing most of you =D.
Secondly, the next time I post here it'll probably be with photos of the finished embroidery on my Maria costume . There's only one big pattern and a few small ones left. I'm working on it while watching Parker Lewis. Does anyone else remember this series? People looked so funny during the early 90s XD.
And speaking of Castlevania, for those who don't know already, they're working on a Castlevania beat'em'up. Seriously! I'm not really sure what to think of it. I can kind of understand IGA (= Koji Igarashi, the mastermind behind the CV games from somewhen of the 16bit era on) wanting to try different game genres. And I also give credit to him for admitting that they've yet to arrive at the same level with the 3D games as the 2D levels. Granted, I've only played little of the 3D games, but I felt them lacking in a lot of areas. Besides, they should aim for making them not another Devil May Cry. I can't speak for its successors, but part 1 wasn't the best game in the world either.
What I want to say is: I'm open for CV games that are not the classical adventure games. But then I found some of the official artwork. Takeshi Ohbata ( Death Note ) is a good artist, no doubt about it, but the designs are atrocious ! They suck so much I can't even put it into words! But see for yourself.
I mean WTF! What is that? Dracula in a shiny gold suit? Alucard looking closer in age to Kid Dracula SOTN than his self? That is not Maria! I Weep for judge (? Simon?) T_T! No, wait, I weep for all ;____;.
I do not ever want to get closer to this game than 100 meters.
PS: Did you know that Ayami Kojima (character designer for most of the games from CV SOTN on) is married to Hideo Kojima? I'm so jealous of her, he's my hero XD game designer.
So, my first week of holidays is almost over and I spent three of them cleaning and tidying up my room. Having a dust allergy cetainly doesn't speed it up. At least it's mostly dust free now and much less messy. Meaning I've taken care of the important parts of my room. It's incredible how much useless stuff I have, I really need to get rid of that. I'm also thinking of getting rid of my glass cabinet. There's nothing of use inside and I could really do with a new book shelf. If I go on buying and reading books like I do now (which will eventually happen), I'll have to squeeze them into the small space between the "normal" rows (two at the moment) and the single shelves.
And a word about cosplay. Firstly, my sister and I are going to attend Animagic on saturday and I'm looking forward to seeing most of you =D.
Secondly, the next time I post here it'll probably be with photos of the finished embroidery on my Maria costume . There's only one big pattern and a few small ones left. I'm working on it while watching Parker Lewis. Does anyone else remember this series? People looked so funny during the early 90s XD.
And speaking of Castlevania, for those who don't know already, they're working on a Castlevania beat'em'up. Seriously! I'm not really sure what to think of it. I can kind of understand IGA (= Koji Igarashi, the mastermind behind the CV games from somewhen of the 16bit era on) wanting to try different game genres. And I also give credit to him for admitting that they've yet to arrive at the same level with the 3D games as the 2D levels. Granted, I've only played little of the 3D games, but I felt them lacking in a lot of areas. Besides, they should aim for making them not another Devil May Cry. I can't speak for its successors, but part 1 wasn't the best game in the world either.
What I want to say is: I'm open for CV games that are not the classical adventure games. But then I found some of the official artwork. Takeshi Ohbata ( Death Note ) is a good artist, no doubt about it, but the designs are atrocious ! They suck so much I can't even put it into words! But see for yourself.
I mean WTF! What is that? Dracula in a shiny gold suit? Alucard looking closer in age to Kid Dracula SOTN than his self? That is not Maria! I Weep for judge (? Simon?) T_T! No, wait, I weep for all ;____;.
I do not ever want to get closer to this game than 100 meters.
PS: Did you know that Ayami Kojima (character designer for most of the games from CV SOTN on) is married to Hideo Kojima? I'm so jealous of her, he's my hero XD game designer.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Genital Herpes Discharge Color
week ... What a mess
... and it is not even around. Alternative title: German Railways of dooooom.
Actually, I have to go back one more week. Since I came namely in Koblenz at the dormitory, where a note to me in the eye jumped on the great spirit of "last deadline of the study certificate issued by the 15 May is". Argh shit, not again! I've already forgotten the last semester and therefore already gotten an email, but this time wanted to, which is for residential responsibility to ensure that not do this anymore. And I had stopped all extra eyes to the date so not to miss. I had totally gerkriegt the panic and I geared up, look for a new apartment. And the best part, the certificates I had left home. Really great.
Well, I had to keep trying this week. So on Tuesday morning, as always saufrüh got to be on time for the lecture in Koblenz (pass the evening It sucks, because the buses run very unfavorable). Somehow, my total displeasure have affected too much, because for the first time I've missed the train. As I stood on the platform, no one there and the station clock showed two Minutenn in later than my automobile clock. But my father erts time was right when he said "that you'll never make it." This he says is even if I over five minutes before the train on the track stand, what really is not scarce. "Then, just not today", I thought, especially since I'm only an important lecture on Tuesdays and would have missed anyway. So a day after drove away. After all, it was good, I'm on the way to Heidelberg, a former fellow student taken from me. Was nice to talk with her again.
arrived in Koblenz the comic shop was not at the station the new Berserk-band, which I found it very uncool.
But back to the certificate. On Thursday I was so very nervous before the Secretariat. I go in and said "sorry, I'm a bit late err", "oh that's OK, thank you.". How now? "It do not matter" and "thank you"? Well then, puuuhh. The fact that the hostel is right next to campus, has been its advantages, which I like to use longer ;-).
evening we went retraced. As always, I took the bus (departure 19:08) to the station and was already waiting for the few minutes late, which the IC has in principle (scheduled departure 19:48), if I am going home. But what is at the table? Damn 45 min. Great. Overall, he had 50 minutes late and then captured yet another 10min on the ride. Unfortunately this is after only one way of my reading matter dries up, so I bought some almost indiscriminate book in the kiosk. Better than dying of boredom. The delay made me fall naturally into absolute Anschlusszugsloch in Heidelberg. Since I was in fact only on after half eleven and was allowed to hang out for another half hour in Heidelberg. Around the time unfortunately, the kiosk has too, which is just fine to kill time suitable. In the meantime, I called home to be, because my father always very keen on it, drive me to the station, so I could make it this time because I did not want to find a parking space. I told him also, when exactly I'm at home, if everything goes according to plan, so they could pick me up. I really expected a call from his side, instead, I caught my slightly surprised mother, who knew nothing about it, but told me to get ready. My father, incidentally suddenly nothing known about it that I had told him one time, etc.. I find great. And so typical of him. If he can not remember, it's of course has never said.
at 23:30 was finally Zuggedöns all over for me. So that makes a journey time of about 4:30, the one with the car can create almost in half.
But my Zugodyssee not stop there. Yesterday's was a plan that is Indiana Jones 4 to look in Mannheim. Since I have a semester ticket for more here, I wanted to be honest as I am, buy me a ticket for the outward journey. As will I find myself in front of the machine at the track, my 20 € note in his hand and the thing not accept it. > Nice crap, well then just from vending machines in the train. Now guess what, the machine on the train also takes less than 20 € notes. Whatever the reason! An happiness is black drivers in the S-Bahn this made it particularly easy, a little sweat but I had already.
In Heidelberg, I wanted to meet me with my sister and take 5 minutes later after her husband's home. But this time with your ticket. I run to the first machine. Crap, all occupied. So to the next. Bestetzt again! Well, there are still some. Oh no, again. I ran back, hoping that this time, which have become vacant. Forget it. There have been formed but snakes. Well ok, we take the next train to Mannheim, we still have 5 minutes. I run back to the vending machine and JUCHHEE, he is free. And takes less than 20 € on bills. Real time now, what the fuck? Somehow I got it but then borrow with sister and still managed to run anymore.
Luckily we had still agreed to the later idea, otherwise we would have probably missed a piece of it. Just as we arrived, there Mannheim caught with the foothills of the world's end (more on that later) and it was pouring. And I still thought I'd be smart with my shorts in the warm weather. After all, my sister was thinking of a screen. Nahrungssaufnahme for something, so finally I came to enjoy the latest Indiana Jones looking part.
Now, how shall I put it. The film is mixed in my opinion fairly. The beginning was a bit of old charm, but from about half of it died down. Somehow it seemed to me as if you wanted too much. Apart from the fact: ALIEN GAAAAAH! Granted, they were not as bad as expected. But still ALIEN GRAAGHH! I can not stand it when inexplicable for the "simple" way alien is taken. And then also this ugly top variety. I hereby admit that I've ever been at a lecture by Erich von Daniken, and which was quite interesting actually. Nevertheless, this does not mean that I like aliens in connection with archeology. I can live with Federal Laden, who kill when you open everything, I can live with magic stones, I can also crusaders live, hang out for a thousand years in a cave. But with aliens I do not come clear.
And what is actually getting this destruction in the end? I really would appreciate even if the end times really get things into the museum. Poor ark, which was shown at the beginning of the film bums, in a warehouse in front of him. Very tragic.
would therefore leave the rest, I never carry out an excavation Indy ;-).
Zugodyssee And now for the third. At the train station in Mannheim we separated and zudritt drove my sister, her boyfriend and I moved to Heidelberg, where the car is my sister. The simple fact that had in the car park leave the office because it has no emissions sticker for Mannheim. Well, according to her, the doors are usually open to the parking garage and they have not needed the key. But we know that Murphy always strikes if and only if you can use the least. For example, if one has no key exception here. And so we traipsed all the way back to the main station (about 10min walk), because I thought that goes in any case a regional express at 23:05. The one I had taken the day before. Well, the failed and we had a beaten-five minutes for the next train (23:15) wait to still come home. When we started, I heard something of rail replacement bus service from one of the Stations. Ah ne is, determines the other road that branches off from there. Well, my positive thinking in honor, but most of the route we took bus.
And since it now goes to the end of the world and deserves some of the pictures, there is now a Cut.
greeted us outside the station, the first signs of the devastation. Everywhere were strewn leaves and the trees were some of the branches hang. At home I showed my mother had some pictures she had shot. Apparently I left just before the storm by train.
The huge Eishaufen before the door was still there this afternoon!
were so big the hailstones.
And a look in our yard.
And even more havoc in the city .
Just sick according to my father, my car has hail dents. The friend who was there had, in terms of happiness. If he would have left not only a side mirror. And to round to it yet further, it has been raining in my room. By a closed (!) Roof window. Somehow, the water leaked out the side and then dropped onto my bed. My mattress is still wet on a corner.
And in any case the storm was also blamed for blocking the route. And a friend who was with him, cinema, but went with another train, is no longer needed to come home and stay overnight at someone. The train line to it is now locked.
Well, and today we still want to grill. But since that involves no trains, I'm less worried.
... and it is not even around. Alternative title: German Railways of dooooom.
Actually, I have to go back one more week. Since I came namely in Koblenz at the dormitory, where a note to me in the eye jumped on the great spirit of "last deadline of the study certificate issued by the 15 May is". Argh shit, not again! I've already forgotten the last semester and therefore already gotten an email, but this time wanted to, which is for residential responsibility to ensure that not do this anymore. And I had stopped all extra eyes to the date so not to miss. I had totally gerkriegt the panic and I geared up, look for a new apartment. And the best part, the certificates I had left home. Really great.
Well, I had to keep trying this week. So on Tuesday morning, as always saufrüh got to be on time for the lecture in Koblenz (pass the evening It sucks, because the buses run very unfavorable). Somehow, my total displeasure have affected too much, because for the first time I've missed the train. As I stood on the platform, no one there and the station clock showed two Minutenn in later than my automobile clock. But my father erts time was right when he said "that you'll never make it." This he says is even if I over five minutes before the train on the track stand, what really is not scarce. "Then, just not today", I thought, especially since I'm only an important lecture on Tuesdays and would have missed anyway. So a day after drove away. After all, it was good, I'm on the way to Heidelberg, a former fellow student taken from me. Was nice to talk with her again.
arrived in Koblenz the comic shop was not at the station the new Berserk-band, which I found it very uncool.
But back to the certificate. On Thursday I was so very nervous before the Secretariat. I go in and said "sorry, I'm a bit late err", "oh that's OK, thank you.". How now? "It do not matter" and "thank you"? Well then, puuuhh. The fact that the hostel is right next to campus, has been its advantages, which I like to use longer ;-).
evening we went retraced. As always, I took the bus (departure 19:08) to the station and was already waiting for the few minutes late, which the IC has in principle (scheduled departure 19:48), if I am going home. But what is at the table? Damn 45 min. Great. Overall, he had 50 minutes late and then captured yet another 10min on the ride. Unfortunately this is after only one way of my reading matter dries up, so I bought some almost indiscriminate book in the kiosk. Better than dying of boredom. The delay made me fall naturally into absolute Anschlusszugsloch in Heidelberg. Since I was in fact only on after half eleven and was allowed to hang out for another half hour in Heidelberg. Around the time unfortunately, the kiosk has too, which is just fine to kill time suitable. In the meantime, I called home to be, because my father always very keen on it, drive me to the station, so I could make it this time because I did not want to find a parking space. I told him also, when exactly I'm at home, if everything goes according to plan, so they could pick me up. I really expected a call from his side, instead, I caught my slightly surprised mother, who knew nothing about it, but told me to get ready. My father, incidentally suddenly nothing known about it that I had told him one time, etc.. I find great. And so typical of him. If he can not remember, it's of course has never said.
at 23:30 was finally Zuggedöns all over for me. So that makes a journey time of about 4:30, the one with the car can create almost in half.
But my Zugodyssee not stop there. Yesterday's was a plan that is Indiana Jones 4 to look in Mannheim. Since I have a semester ticket for more here, I wanted to be honest as I am, buy me a ticket for the outward journey. As will I find myself in front of the machine at the track, my 20 € note in his hand and the thing not accept it. > Nice crap, well then just from vending machines in the train. Now guess what, the machine on the train also takes less than 20 € notes. Whatever the reason! An happiness is black drivers in the S-Bahn this made it particularly easy, a little sweat but I had already.
In Heidelberg, I wanted to meet me with my sister and take 5 minutes later after her husband's home. But this time with your ticket. I run to the first machine. Crap, all occupied. So to the next. Bestetzt again! Well, there are still some. Oh no, again. I ran back, hoping that this time, which have become vacant. Forget it. There have been formed but snakes. Well ok, we take the next train to Mannheim, we still have 5 minutes. I run back to the vending machine and JUCHHEE, he is free. And takes less than 20 € on bills. Real time now, what the fuck? Somehow I got it but then borrow with sister and still managed to run anymore.
Luckily we had still agreed to the later idea, otherwise we would have probably missed a piece of it. Just as we arrived, there Mannheim caught with the foothills of the world's end (more on that later) and it was pouring. And I still thought I'd be smart with my shorts in the warm weather. After all, my sister was thinking of a screen. Nahrungssaufnahme for something, so finally I came to enjoy the latest Indiana Jones looking part.
Now, how shall I put it. The film is mixed in my opinion fairly. The beginning was a bit of old charm, but from about half of it died down. Somehow it seemed to me as if you wanted too much. Apart from the fact: ALIEN GAAAAAH! Granted, they were not as bad as expected. But still ALIEN GRAAGHH! I can not stand it when inexplicable for the "simple" way alien is taken. And then also this ugly top variety. I hereby admit that I've ever been at a lecture by Erich von Daniken, and which was quite interesting actually. Nevertheless, this does not mean that I like aliens in connection with archeology. I can live with Federal Laden, who kill when you open everything, I can live with magic stones, I can also crusaders live, hang out for a thousand years in a cave. But with aliens I do not come clear.
And what is actually getting this destruction in the end? I really would appreciate even if the end times really get things into the museum. Poor ark, which was shown at the beginning of the film bums, in a warehouse in front of him. Very tragic.
would therefore leave the rest, I never carry out an excavation Indy ;-).
Zugodyssee And now for the third. At the train station in Mannheim we separated and zudritt drove my sister, her boyfriend and I moved to Heidelberg, where the car is my sister. The simple fact that had in the car park leave the office because it has no emissions sticker for Mannheim. Well, according to her, the doors are usually open to the parking garage and they have not needed the key. But we know that Murphy always strikes if and only if you can use the least. For example, if one has no key exception here. And so we traipsed all the way back to the main station (about 10min walk), because I thought that goes in any case a regional express at 23:05. The one I had taken the day before. Well, the failed and we had a beaten-five minutes for the next train (23:15) wait to still come home. When we started, I heard something of rail replacement bus service from one of the Stations. Ah ne is, determines the other road that branches off from there. Well, my positive thinking in honor, but most of the route we took bus.
And since it now goes to the end of the world and deserves some of the pictures, there is now a Cut.
greeted us outside the station, the first signs of the devastation. Everywhere were strewn leaves and the trees were some of the branches hang. At home I showed my mother had some pictures she had shot. Apparently I left just before the storm by train.
The huge Eishaufen before the door was still there this afternoon!
were so big the hailstones.
And a look in our yard.
And even more havoc in the city .
Just sick according to my father, my car has hail dents. The friend who was there had, in terms of happiness. If he would have left not only a side mirror. And to round to it yet further, it has been raining in my room. By a closed (!) Roof window. Somehow, the water leaked out the side and then dropped onto my bed. My mattress is still wet on a corner.
And in any case the storm was also blamed for blocking the route. And a friend who was with him, cinema, but went with another train, is no longer needed to come home and stay overnight at someone. The train line to it is now locked.
Well, and today we still want to grill. But since that involves no trains, I'm less worried.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Nausea Head Ache When Sleeping
icy_chocolate @ 2008-05-23T00: 02:00
For those who are interested in how film and historical costumes, ran just on arte quite an interesting documentary about an Italian film Tailoring. It was mainly about the history, but there were still shown a lot of beautiful costumes from the movies of recent years approximately 40 minutes. The article is indeed already around, but here you go first to a description of the program plus the data to play (at times inhuman). But probably will be broadcast via arte +7 be seen. Currently, she is not yet online.
For those who are interested in how film and historical costumes, ran just on arte quite an interesting documentary about an Italian film Tailoring. It was mainly about the history, but there were still shown a lot of beautiful costumes from the movies of recent years approximately 40 minutes. The article is indeed already around, but here you go first to a description of the program plus the data to play (at times inhuman). But probably will be broadcast via arte +7 be seen. Currently, she is not yet online.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Baby Hauler For Asthma
"forest fairy" Inspirations
I already have in some of my comments on
s Waldfee entries # webdragontiamat gene is described in about what I imagine for my "forest fairy". First of all, I think more of a (Harma) Dryad for a fairy. I will lean on my design speaks to this unfinished picture of me, with minor changes and additions that have not subscribed to. In essence, this is
nymph / dryad only approach human , Appear as only slightly show through "rosy" skin. The hair will be as basic a dark blonde, curly wig that is riddled with branches, leaves and all sorts of creatures.
The legs will be mostly brown, with pieces of bark, moss and earth. Upstairs I would like to make a kind of dress that is to appear as fused with my body. This also should look like moss, which will be covered here and there with other matters. The poor will find pieces of bark and moss. The eyes are dark makeup.
Well, to sum it up I do not want to act like I had just clothing (ääähh, I will of course be fully covered, I just want to scare anyone to death) but rather like an alien creature that has just sprung from his tree.
did this, I recently found great sources of inspiration.
First, a concept art from the art book in Guild Wars: Nightfall Collector's Edition: The Goddess Melandru or their avatar. I think the design is very cool, though too woody for what I have for my forest fairy in mind.
And then I found the day before pictures of a costume, which has the texture is very close to what I imagine: a , two, three . Apparently she has made the felt itself and incorporated real moss. I myself would prefer to work with artificial moss, because I have no desire to irrigate every time in front wearing my costume.
Well, now I feel crazy enough, but the effect is just so great.
I already have in some of my comments on
nymph / dryad only approach human , Appear as only slightly show through "rosy" skin. The hair will be as basic a dark blonde, curly wig that is riddled with branches, leaves and all sorts of creatures.
The legs will be mostly brown, with pieces of bark, moss and earth. Upstairs I would like to make a kind of dress that is to appear as fused with my body. This also should look like moss, which will be covered here and there with other matters. The poor will find pieces of bark and moss. The eyes are dark makeup.
Well, to sum it up I do not want to act like I had just clothing (ääähh, I will of course be fully covered, I just want to scare anyone to death) but rather like an alien creature that has just sprung from his tree.
did this, I recently found great sources of inspiration.
First, a concept art from the art book in Guild Wars: Nightfall Collector's Edition: The Goddess Melandru or their avatar. I think the design is very cool, though too woody for what I have for my forest fairy in mind.
And then I found the day before pictures of a costume, which has the texture is very close to what I imagine: a , two, three . Apparently she has made the felt itself and incorporated real moss. I myself would prefer to work with artificial moss, because I have no desire to irrigate every time in front wearing my costume.
Well, now I feel crazy enough, but the effect is just so great.
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