with embroidery, anyway.
And here is the promised photo:
After yesterday I switched from Parker Lewis on The IT Crowd am, today morning I am finally finished with the last stitches. The jacket is a little weird here, but this may be because it is not quite as easy to put on a corset itself (at least this corset). Oh, and think naturally away the seam allowance, I have the top fabric down to just the food. The collar is still difficult in the testing phase and from the stained fabric. The food is the bright green that looks out below and which I am not quite sure if it's not too green yet.
And I see in the photos with the blonde wig goofy off = D. I have so deliberately taken a darker blonde and I think it fits this well. The wig need of course viiieel styling.
I think next I'll either continue to make to the jacket or pants. The materials I have at least everything except for the socks and the gloves. I do worry me just because of the gloves would be, that is really nice if I could find that leather.
An iron würde dem Kostüm auch ganz gut tun ;-)
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