This photo from the V-Jump is currently going through the world at the moment. This is the announcement of the successor of Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Yu-Gi-Oh! zeXal "which will start in the Spring Season 2011th
The series is set in the near future. Tsukumo Yuma is number one bad boy at his school. Something unexpected happens as Ryoga challenges him to a Duel. When the mysterious astral entity appears before them a new legend begins.
That was all we got at the information until now. What I'm dislike is the young main character, in appearance as a means to assess students. If you consider this the Yusei 18-19 years old, this is a step backwards. What I fear is a downgrade to the Duel Masters / Beyblade level. Until the first appearance sure more details will be announced. This makes it easy to wait for it.
was now opening for Rulings of the thread of smoke this afternoon. Up to this time (21:22 clock) this thread has gotten over 150 responses. Banned Lists only the threads get more in so short a period. However, as many posts like this make sense? 8th .. 9th ... perhaps 10% if we are nice? The other 90% are interested in the topic does not know the Anime and only the stupid and badly dubbed version RTL2, write stupid and ignorant posts and come again. A thorn in the side are still the criticisms regarding the Riding Duels in 5D's, which have given the duels a dramatic note to which it had never done a Ground Duel. So I ask to take, for instance Naruto: Emo Ninjas fight each other without a proper reason. Does that make sense so much as Riding Duels? Nevertheless, that hardly complain about it and the unjustified.
I finish with the words: If you have nothing to write meaningful added that should not even click on the "Reply" or "Quote" button.
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