Sunday, January 16, 2011

Blueprints To Build A Telescope

03/01/2011 Banned List - Speculation Thread

As the title suggests, this week is the big gamble on Banned List Rulings get rid of that enters into the current format.
primary Flame and I hope to less spam than last year, but there are many I probably agree.

my post for the speculative thread is halfway finished. 15 Word pages / Times New Roman / Size: 12
Midway is with me but I'm ready to read about it but it still needs time to improve some mistakes, some things may describe more detailed and HTML syntax to insert links and images.
The list itself is finished and it will change anything. I had the list in recent weeks repeatedly revised and strengthened to "guilty" to then look at the list or enforce raufzustufen. Personally, I'm happy with it and also what I am also personally put on the list.


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