"shrunken blazers ( Topshop )Wow, to be honest I did today überhaaaupt should not I wear it. So I just grabbed about my favorite things and a few feel-good pieces . Favorite pants, favorite blazer, baggy shirts, cuddly scarf and flat shoes. I once again by 9 clock university, ie by 7 Clock to leave the house and get up earlier. And the more it means to fight against falling asleep in the first lecture! nee So, from now on I'll rig up my schedule more so that I only have classes by 14 clock. Since then I am happy enough sleep time by 22 clock at home, but the main thing ! Next week is so much to, and the week is out nuuur learned. exam period! Then I have a day for me and the next it means to me already "From the Philippines!" A better reward is there simply or not?
» Jersey Blouse ( Topshop )
"Skinny ( H & M )
"Circle Scarf ( AmericanApparel )
" Studded Bag (Zara )
"hi-Chucks (Converse )
" gray Casio Watch ( Asos )
"golden Earstuds ( H & M )
Today is the first cozy evening in front of the spent TV. "Fashion and Fame" and "The Model WG " look (I am always a bit of drama, catfights, which is also accessible in this direction: D) We are curious.
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