How indicated in the previous post, I've recently ordered from Gina Tricot . Gina Tricot we already know her since our trip and Sweden for a long time can also German shopping addicts online. Except that the page loads s eehr slowly and often has little quirks the correct view of the basket, everything went very smoothly and easily. After about 4 days the things were already able to pay for me and you can easily by invoice. Either the full amount or partial payment (similar to H & M with interest). The pieces I like to see very well and also just from how I expected it;) size Technically also like H & M : XS really an XS! And when you see that the sweater is gesschnitten far, you should trust and be with his "small size" and not just order a size to achieve the desired effect;) The Shipping amounted to € 3.90 if I'm not mistaken.

PS: Just once click on "Order"! Even if you did not receive a confirmation mail ! Later, already equal to the delivery confirmation. And maybe that her 2-3 times too much order;)
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